Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What a Weekend

The Chalco-Paz family had another rockin weekend in Dallas. Sunday was Jimmy's birthday, so we did some fun B-day things ( it is interesting that Jimmy and I both just dreamed of sleeping in and laying around the house on our birthdays....we don't get many opportunities to do that). Saturday was FREEZING so we spent a lot of time in the house. You can only do that for so long, so we eventually escaped to do a few laps walking around Northpark Mall. Sofia loves to watch the people there and she even sat in her stroller for about 20 minutes.

On Sunday Sofia and I let Jimmy sleep in and then the 3 of us went on a picnic at the nearby park. It was glorious! Sofia loves anything outside, so we are always looking for new (free activities) where she can enjoy the great outdoors. That evening we had a delicious meal cooked by my Aunt Jan in celebration of all the March birthdays.

Sofia continues to blow our minds ( in a good way). She is grabbing on to EVERYTHING (especially Mommy's hair!!) and she loves to play with toys that she can grasp. She is so close to rolling over, we think she is going to bust that move any day now. She had her four month appointment last week. She gained SIX lbs and she grew several inches. She is getting large and in charge! She is totally in that gloriously cute chubby stage ( basically the only time in your life when it is acceptable and encouraged to be that chubby!). We are loving watching her and the new things she discovers everyday.
Some may say that Sofi is not really old enough to ride in her stroller without the infant seat. I can't say I haven't noticed the looks from other mothers when they see my 4 month old cruisin' like this...but it is the ONLY way we can get her to sit in the stroller for more than 30 seconds!
On a walk with Dad at the lake. Just checking things out.
Sofia is really starting to love looking at herself in the mirror. Nothings cracks her up more !
Jimmy got her some awesome new outfits and fun bibs and shirts in Peru. Here she is wearing the 100% Peruvian bib that he got her.
Afternoon at the lake for Jimmy's birthday. Sofia is starting to boycott the camera, so we have a hard time getting any good pictures of her smiling. We are trying to get creative with our shots...but this is the best we could do!

1 comment:

  1. So cute!!! I really admire the way she can pull off any ruffly hat. A fashionista in the making.
