Friday, May 7, 2010

Baby Eve

Last week I got it in my head that I NEEDED to be in California for my little brother's graduation. I was TAKS testing at school and as I was walking around and monitoring I began to plan the entire trip. During one of my 15 minute breaks I ran to the computer lab to see what the ticket prices were like. I told myself I would only go if it was less than a certain number. When a fabulous deal showed up, I called Jimmy to see if I could have an early Mother's Day present. He agreed, so I booked the flight for 10:30 p.m on Friday night, two days later.

Sofia and I had such a fantastic time. She was great on the plane, a little fussy at first but she fell asleep after about 15 minutes and slept the entire way there. Graduation at Pepperdine was beautiful and we were all so proud of Tay. I was able to see all of my family and LOVED it.

The best part of all. My sister in law and BFF Jordan was due to have a baby in about another week. I had been depressed for months knowing that I wasn't going to make it back to CA before late June to see the newest baby. We thought this trip was a little bit too early and the next one would be a few months after the birth. Monday morning, my last day in town, my brother Spencer called to let us know that they were on their way to the hospital. About 3 hours later, Eve Taylor arrived. I was beyond ecstatic that I was able to hold that sweet baby before I had to head back to Dallas. She is beautiful and it was such a gift to be able to be there for all of that!

Monday, April 26, 2010


We have been having lots of fun playing outside lately (or pretending that we are playing outside by hanging out in the blow up pool). Here is Sofia enjoying the springtime!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Cheerleader

I have been attempting to drop some lbs for a while (well...basically I have been doing that my entire life....). I started working out again ( first real work out since Sofia was born...don't judge me) around December, but I finally realized it was time to cut out the ice cream and cereal. And it is rough. Jimmy and Sofia are trying really hard to encourage me to keep it up. And this gem was sent to my work e-mail the other day. Doesn't it just melt your heart?!?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Here Comes Peter Cottontail...

Easter has come and gone, and we have lots to show for it. There are a few new bunny books on our shelves, more bubbles to be blown, stickers stuck on clothes and walls, some hilarious froggie finger puppets that cause lots of giggles and a new rabbit friend to carry around.

Sofia really enjoyed the day. Our fantastic friend, Melanie, was in town and Sofia was IN LOVE with her. It took her a while to warm up, but soon she was following her all around the house and trying to spend time with her in the bathroom. We went to GiGi and Great Harry's for lunch and Sofia got some more Easter goodies and spent time with her big cousin Elijah. He walked with her all over the farm and jumped with her on the trampoline. He even planned Easter Egg hunt for the adults (Sofia helped a little bit too). Sofia really loved all of the attention and friends and family around.

These pictures are totally out of order....and I am not sure why. But you get the general idea of the day.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Moms and Dads

So many times during my day I think to myself "I wish I was at home with my baby...." I have become a somewhat bitter working mother. I am always trying to figure out how to cram hours of activities and books and quality time and nutritious food and bonding....into the 2-3 hours I have with Sofia in the evenings and the weekends. I feel guilty when I am at work and heartbroken on the days when I walk through the door and she barely notices me. I sometimes (often) find myself envying moms who get to stay home and soak up all of this precious time with their children. I worry that Sofia and I will never be very close or that I am less of a mother because I am away from her during the day....

All this to say, I realized the other day as I was driving to work that I am EXTREMELY lucky that I have a husband who is willing to work night shifts so that he can stay at home with our daughter, and who tries his hardest to do all of those things for her that we both think are important. He does everything I ask (I am kind of a backseat driver when it comes to parenting...I love to "suggest" things he should do during the day with her) and he does it with a smile. He makes her spinach and carrot smoothies in the morning, be reads books to her, he talks to her in Spanish all day long, he makes her take naps at the same time everyday, he takes her to the park, he lets her play in fountains and touch turtles at the lake, he puts her on Skype during the day so her grandma in Peru and my parents in California can watch her playing...he is an amazing father and Sofia is flourishing because of their time together. She usually is waiting for me at the top of the stairs when I get home, and if she isn't it is because she is laughing hysterically at some kind of game she is playing with her dad. She is learning so much from him and we are all so blessed that our lives have led us to this point in time.

And as for me, I am thankful that I can help provide for my family, I am thankful for the weekends and the nighttime routines and summer vacations and Spring Breaks. I am thankful for a job that ends at 4:00 and a husband that cooks and does laundry so that I can spend all of the free time with my baby girl. I am thankful for a husband that has dedicated himself to his children and his family. And I am thankful for my sweet Sofia!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fun Fotos

I have taken a lot of pictures of Sofia lately....but we are dealing with an ancient computer/digital camera combo that makes uploading them close to impossible. I had a marathon picture uploading and editing session we are good for the next 2 months. Here are some of the cute shots that we have gotten of Sofia since Christmas!
Enjoying some spaghetti.
Just some random pictures of her playing one evening. She is like The Incredible Hulk. She is always picking up her bike and wagon and carrying them around the living room. Here she is taking Big Bear for a spin on the bike.

Sofia decided to wear her Peruvian poncho to help me pick up the mail.

Jimmy and Sofia picked me up from work one night and we took Sofia to play at the playground inside the Galleria. It was a good time to go because there weren't many kids there (we are super nervous when 10 year olds tear through the playground knocking all of the toddlers down).

I am not sure how she ended up in this outfit, but I wish I could find an excuse for her to wear it more often! She loves wearing her hair in a 'pony', by the way. I realize that she looks like Pebbles, but she thinks it is so hilarious to look at her self in the mirror.

These are the pictures that I included in Sofia's Valentine's cards that she sent to grandparents and aunts and uncles. She is wearing pajamas in these shots, but I thought they were too adorable to go undocumented.

These shots are of Sofia playing at various parks. It as been way to cold lately to participate in her favorite pastime, but we are looking forward to the day when the sun shines on our neighborhood park again.

Happy Valentine's Weekend!