Saturday, May 30, 2009


We celebrated a half birthday at Casa Chalco-Paz last week. Truthfully, we didn't actually celebrate, we just mentioned the fact that Sofia was already six months old. I can't believe how quickly the time has flown. I love the age that she is right now, learning something new every day and growing more and more independent, but at the same time, I am already missing those early newborn days when we just held her all day long. Some of the things that Sofia has been blowing our minds with lately:

She can sit up all by herself.

She can pull herself up in her crib when she is already in the sitting position.

She is eating rice cereal and we just started her on vegetables this week. So far we have had some on the list is sweet peas!

She has just barely started sleeping though the night....a combination of sleep exhaustion on our part and her refusal to cuddle with us anymore has forced our hand. We just put her in the crib and hope for the best and she seems to be loving her new found freedom. She has slept for about 10 hours a night for almost a week now.

She has been swimming and she LOVES it. I foresee a summer filled with trips to the pool.

She found her voice...and loves to holler and yell when the mood strikes her.

She hates to hug or cuddle with us...but she will give kisses (or eat your nose) when forced.

She likes to play hide and seek with her dad...I know that you aren't buying that one, but I promise it is true. It is the funniest thing to watch. I need to post a video.

Here are some shots of how awesome she is at six months:
Checking out the ice skaters at The Galleria.

Picnic at the lake.

Play date with Maxwell and Hayden. Impossible to get a picture!

Reading with Mommy.

Bathtub shenanigans.


Cousin Brooks' Birthday.

Walking at the lake.

We cannot wait to head west in a few days for the whole summer!


  1. I cannot believe she's sitting up on her own!!! Count me in on those summer pool outings!!!

  2. She has Jimmy's eyes and Lindsey's cheek bones. She is beautiful. Glad to see you are doing so well.

  3. She is so cute! I bet you are having so much fun! Enjoy Calif.
