Wednesday, May 6, 2009


This past weekend Sofia's cousin Ellie came to visit with Aunt Jordan and Grandma. It was so fantastic! We spent lots of time catching up, eating, going on walks and enjoying some fam time. We wish that they all lived in Dallas so that we could live it up like that all of the time! I can't wait for Sofia and Ellie to be BFFs like their moms. Someday....

Ellie was very sweet with Sofia. Hey, want to be friends?

Sofia and Grandma. Sofia is ecstatic that she gets to spend the summer with Grandma!
Ellie got some awesome new boots for GG's house.

First time on the trampoline at GG and Great Harry's house.
Ellie lending a helping hand.
Giving kisses.
Loving the trampoline!
Sofia is really getting into reading. I love this picture!
We took the fam to the Dallas Aquarium, our favorite place. We think it was a big hit.
With GG and Grandma.
Grandma with her little ladies.

Great Harry took the girls for rides on the tractor. It was obviously thrilling for them! Somewhere there are pictures of Ellie's dad and me at that same age, cruisin on the tractor!

We had a glorious time with our California Kin and we can't wait to spend more time with them this summer.


  1. You sure have a sweet little girl (and I love that crib bedding :)

  2. The girls look so cute together. Jo, you look great too!
