I have taken a lot of pictures of Sofia lately....but we are dealing with an ancient computer/digital camera combo that makes uploading them close to impossible. I had a marathon picture uploading and editing session yesterday...so we are good for the next 2 months. Here are some of the cute shots that we have gotten of Sofia since Christmas!
Enjoying some spaghetti.
Just some random pictures of her playing one evening. She is like The Incredible Hulk. She is always picking up her bike and wagon and carrying them around the living room. Here she is taking Big Bear for a spin on the bike.
Sofia decided to wear her Peruvian poncho to help me pick up the mail.
Jimmy and Sofia picked me up from work one night and we took Sofia to play at the playground inside the Galleria. It was a good time to go because there weren't many kids there (we are super nervous when 10 year olds tear through the playground knocking all of the toddlers down).
I am not sure how she ended up in this outfit, but I wish I could find an excuse for her to wear it more often! She loves wearing her hair in a 'pony', by the way. I realize that she looks like Pebbles, but she thinks it is so hilarious to look at her self in the mirror.